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Check out our new field trip management system, EZActivityTrips. It's everything you loved about TravelTracker-Trips but better!


Teachers or Coaches submit trip requests

Teachers or Coaches submit trip requests

A single online form takes just minutes to complete. Requests are automatically routed to the right people for approval

Administrators review and approve the details

Administrators review and approve the details

Requests are automatically routed to your inbox. Ask questions and propose changes to request, all through the cloud software system.

Manage trip logistics in real time

Manage trip logistics in real time

Schedule the bus and driver, control the invoicing process, and view reports within your Travel Tracker dashboard.

TravelTracker-Trips Levels

Giving you the flexibility to pick the features your district needs


Included Features
  • All Lite Features Plus:
  • Advanced Driver Assignments including Driver logs (includes the ability to rotate drivers using preset rotations, checking of driver availability against other assigned trips, decline driver, driver designations)
  • Advanced Funding Sources (allotment allocations, budget code selections based on school locations)
  • Electronic Invoicing to bookkeepers and funding managers
  • Split Trips (assign different drivers and buses to outgoing and returning trip segments)
  • Recurring Trips (Create a recurring trip for multiple dates)
  • Custom Reports


See how North Thurston School Districts benefited from using TravelTracker-Trips to manage their driver bidding process

North Thurston

Looking for a better way to manage your driver bidding/assignment process, Deanna Maddux, the Assistant Director of Transportation, utilized The TravelTracker-Trips application to streamline the bidding process, while staying in compliance with union rules.

  • Cloud-based technology allowed drivers to bid from any Internet-enabled device
  • Bidding process was made easy and convenient for drivers and staff
  • Ensured drivers were not double booked for trips

Read why North Thurston School District identified TravelTracker-Trips as the solution for their driver bidding process.



Have any questions?

Reach out to one of our advisors today!

What's in it for Superintendents?

Save Time / Money

  • Visibility – saves administrator time by reducing the number of phone calls to arrange and track a trip.
  • Automatic invoicing. Invoices are consistent, accurate and easy to track.
  • Paperless. Trips can be approved quickly and efficiently.

Improved Safety

  • Visibility of all trips via the internet means that you can locate who is travelling at a moment’s notice.
  • Access over the internet allows for easy rescheduling and notifications for weather related events

Improved Compliance

  • Automatic Board Report ensures that all trips needing board approval go through the correct process and have all relevant information.
  • Enforces approval levels. All trips go through the correct approval process, including school level, funding level, board level and other designated levels.

Better Decisions

  • Provides information on Educational values of a trip and the total estimated cost – allowing for better decisions on trips.
  • Extensive reporting including dashboard and charts provides excellent information on costs
  • District wide calendar provides all trip and vehicle scheduling information to all users
  • Charts easily show comparison of school and athletic travel.
  • Trip estimator provides approvers with the ability to know the cost of a trip as they are approving. This allows them to weigh the educational value of the trip against the cost.  This also eliminates surprises when the invoice is generated
What's in it for Finance?

Save Time / Money

  • Visibility – Finance can see all invoice and cost information district-wide. This makes it easy to reconcile invoices.
  • Automatic invoicing. Transportation maintains control.  Bookkeepers can see invoices when they are released.
  • Paperless. Trips can be approved quickly and efficiently.
  • Cafeteria Notifications ensure that food is not wasted and meals can be planned effectively.

Improved Compliance

  • Automatic Board Report ensures that all trips needing board approval go through the correct process and have all relevant information.
  • Enforces approval levels. All trips go through the correct approval process, including school level, funding level, board level and other designated levels.

Better Decisions

  • Extensive reporting including dashboard and charts provides excellent information on costs.
  • District wide calendar provides all trip and vehicle scheduling information to all users.
  • Charts easily show comparison of school and athletic travel.
  • Trip estimator provides approvers with the ability to know the cost of a trip as they are approving. This allows them to weigh the educational value of the trip against the cost.  This also eliminates surprises when the invoice is generated.
  • Know who is paying for the trip. The approval process ensures that funding managers are included in the process and are aware of charges before the invoicing process.
What's in it for the Transportation Dept?

Save Time / Money

  • Visibility -Reduces the number of phone calls between teachers, administrators, approvers
  • Automatic invoicing. Transportation maintains control.  Bookkeepers can see invoices when they are released.
  • Easier bus scheduling -the system tells you which buses are available at any given time

Improved Safety

  • Visibility of all trips via the internet means that you can locate who is travelling at a moment’s notice.
  • Access over the internet allows for easy rescheduling and notifications for weather related events

Better Information

  • Transportation can see what buses will be required even before the trips are approved (versus paper where they don’t know until they got the paper)
  • Extensive reporting including dashboard and charts provides excellent information on costs
  • District wide calendar provides all trip and vehicle scheduling information to all users

Less Frustration

  • Know who is paying for a trip when it is time to invoice

Improved Communication

  • Automatic emails notify users of approvals, cancelations, and invoices throughout the process
  • Trip estimator provides approvers with the ability to know the cost of a trip as they are approving. This allows them to weigh the educational value of the trip against the cost.  This also eliminates surprises when the invoice is generated

Request a no-obligation demo to see how TravelTracker-Trips can benefit your school

Please visit our support site if you are looking to submit a support ticket


Learn more about how TravelTracker-Trips can help you today!